(Not so) Early Morning Question

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/29/10 9:42 AM
"Mommy, what do you do when you're inlove?" Wow, another toughy from Kalli! And I'm not even fully awake yet!

Talking Cars

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/24/10 12:36 PM
Currently watching "Cars" with Kalli. She just said, "They're talking cars! Why are they talking? Who's inside them? Who's the driver?" :D

Becoming a Giant

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/21/10 10:14 PM
Kalli said a few minutes ago, "Mommy, if I eat so much I'm going to become a giant. I don't want to become a giant!"

Daddy's Books

Leo and I were at Powerbooks yesterday with Kalli and they were looking at the magazine section. I was in the other aisle but I can hear Kalli's loud chirpy voice very clearly (the entire store probably can too!)

Kalli - "Are these your books daddy?" (see, we each have our own section in the bookstore - kalli's books, mommy's books, and daddy's books).

Daddy - "Yes"

Kalli - "But they're all girls!"

Hahaha, I looked at the magazine wall and, true enough, the magazine covers are mostly girls! Wedding mags, fashion mags, and even FHM!

Kalli (trying to be helpful) - "Oh here, here! Here's a boy daddy!"

I was laughing so hard by the time I reached them! Even the sales ladies were laughing too :D Precious!

Yaya In-love

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/19/10 6:03 PM
Quote of the day: "I don't want yaya to fall inlove!" Well, technically that was yesterday's quote. Still funny though :) Possessive girl!


Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/18/10 11:04 AM
Kalli loves to roar lately. But she still can't pronounce R. It's so funny! YYYOOAAY!!!!! :D

Baby Leopard

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/12/10 11:34 AM
"Mommy, I want a cute baby Leopard! A baby one. I want one!" - Kalli

Monsters vs Aliens

Here's Kalli's drawing of the monsters in Monsters vs Aliens. She drew them all by herself from memory :) Susan is the blue big girl and notice how she's behind Bob and only part of her legs are showing. Kalli really is talented. I'm so proud! :)

Drink your Water

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/10/10 11:27 PM
Leo told Kalli, "Drink your water."
Kalli said in a sad voice, "But Kalli did not."
Hahaha, as if she didn't have anything to do with it!

@aradaliel, 3/10/10 7:14 PM

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/10/10 7:14 PM
"Mamu, finish all yours. I finished mine and now I'm sleepy. You gotta carry me cause I'm so sleepy" - Kalli, after drinking her mocktail :D
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@aradaliel, 3/9/10 6:22 PM

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/9/10 6:22 PM
Kalli and I were drawing the monsters in Monsters vs Aliens when she
suddenly said, "Link is always missing that's why he's missing link" 
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@aradaliel, 3/9/10 9:17 AM

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/9/10 9:17 AM
Nicholas the cat sleeps a lot. Yakins & Brod barks loudly while Dutchy is often as quiet as our fishes in the pond. Welcome to our farm! :)
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@aradaliel, 3/9/10 9:16 AM

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/9/10 9:16 AM
Kalli's duckling Quacky is so noisy! Her chick Chicky is not so bad. Ken-Ken the bird is not tweeting lately...
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@aradaliel, 3/4/10 8:40 AM

Sheila Lim (@aradaliel)
3/4/10 8:40 AM
Kalli said, "All of us are kulit, right?Look, look, the vase is gone! Yaya broke it! She's kulit!"
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