Kalli the AquaBabe - Day Two

As promised, here are some videos of Kalli's 2nd day of swimming class.

Here's Kalli and me doing "The Swimmers in the Pool". Remember this? I posted a video of her practicing this in her inflatable pool :) She loves this!

Here's Kalli "On the Duck". They're practicing their jump. You can hear the teacher reciting Humpty Dumpty in the background. You'll see Kalli doing that in the next video :)

Here's the "Humpty Dumpty". I don't think this is Kalli's favorite part, but she's still trying, right?

Here's the Monkey Walk. She can do it with very little support now :)

Here's the Head Dip.

Here's the Head Dip again, this time with her legs kicking :)

That's it for now. Tomorrow's her 3rd day of class so expect more videos in the next days :)
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