Learn your Numbers

I've been trying to teach Kalli her numbers but she seems to be having trouble remembering what they look like. I bought her these rubber numbers which I use as flash cards and one time we were playing with it. I asked her to show me number 1 but she couldn't remember. In frustration, I picked it up and told her, "Kalli, I've been trying to teach you number 1 for a long time. Why isn't it sticking to your head?" She told me then, "Okay okay, it will stick now." Then she took the number 1 and tried to plaster it to her head! Hahaha, I laughed and laughed. When it started falling, she said, "It's not sticking mommy!" Hmmmmmmm, stick to head nga naman...

Anyway, this last week I tried a different approach to teaching her. For the whole week we're only learning numbers 1 and 2. I carry the rubber numbers everywhere and throughout the day I'll ask her what they are. We started last monday and it seems she has learned it already. When I mix the numbers 1 and 2 with the others, she can easily pick them out. Hopefully it sticks even when we start learning the other numbers too :)
2 Responses
  1. Tita LA Says:

    This is sooooooo funny! LOL

  2. Sheila Says:

    yes it is, hehehe